• Question: do ever you have doubts about your experiments. seeing as failure is easier than success, do you consider this research is will be successful even if you dont win the money?

    Asked by microcoolio to Darren, Deuan, Duncan, Lori-An, Michelle on 17 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Darren Nesbeth

      Darren Nesbeth answered on 16 Jun 2010:

      I always have doubts about my experiments.

      If I win the money or not, I have had fun answering the questions and reading about other scientists who like to engage with the public.

    • Photo: Lori-An Etherington

      Lori-An Etherington answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Hello, there are a few different questions in here. In my experiments I test chemicals in a model of learning and memory and they either work or they dont so it is the same experiment whether they suceed or fail (ie. failure isnt easier).
      For the next bit Im not sure I know what you are asking, my research isnt related to winning the money here. I will do the same research whether I win or not but if I were to win the money I would like to use it to help school children learn about the brain and how drugs work and I could only do this with the prize money.
      Hope this answers your questions

    • Photo: Deuan Jones

      Deuan Jones answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Yeh sometimes my boss suggests an experiment and I don’t think it’ll work – but then it ends up working cos he’s a genius. But then often things don’t work and I think ‘told you so’.

      The prize money isn’t really for our research – it’s to do something about explaining research – like making a model of something to show in schools for example.
