• Question: Do you agree with IVF treatment?

    Asked by karina to Darren, Deuan, Duncan, Lori-An, Michelle on 22 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Duncan Hull

      Duncan Hull answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      There are arguments for and against IVF, but for me personally, if I wanted to have children but wasn’t able to the conventional way – I’d want to have the option of IVF.

    • Photo: Darren Nesbeth

      Darren Nesbeth answered on 18 Jun 2010:


    • Photo: Michelle Hudson-Shore

      Michelle Hudson-Shore answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      Yes I do I think it gives people, who otherwise wouldn’t be able to, the chance to have a child that they can cherish. I suppose it can be problem when it results in multiple births as some of the babies might not survive and it can put huge strains on the parents both financially and emotionally. But in general I think it’s a good thing.

    • Photo: Lori-An Etherington

      Lori-An Etherington answered on 22 Jun 2010:

      I think that IVF treatment gives couples who have problems having children an amazing chance at having a child together. There are quite strict guidelines for when couples can be offered IVF and there is of course the possibility that it may not work so couples also receive counselling about this and are informed of other possibilites for having a family such as adoption. If couples are prepared to have IVF treatment then I think it is a wonderful opportunity for them.
