• Question: Have you ever heard of the illness pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis?

    Asked by lollol to Darren, Deuan, Duncan, Lori-An, Michelle on 21 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Lori-An Etherington

      Lori-An Etherington answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      This word was invented by Everett Smith in 1935 and was meant to mean ‘a lung disease caused by breathing in very fine dust’ 🙂

    • Photo: Duncan Hull

      Duncan Hull answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      That’s a new one on me, is the the longest word for a disease ever?

    • Photo: Michelle Hudson-Shore

      Michelle Hudson-Shore answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      Wow, no it sounds nasty though! Is it the longest word in the dictionary or something?

    • Photo: Darren Nesbeth

      Darren Nesbeth answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      Yes, I think miners get it.

    • Photo: Deuan Jones

      Deuan Jones answered on 21 Jun 2010:

