• Question: How can you earn millions in Chemistry? (is it even possible)

    Asked by stephaniemys to Darren, Deuan, Duncan, Lori-An, Michelle on 21 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Lori-An Etherington

      Lori-An Etherington answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Hi, maybe if you became the head of a very successful company or made a discovery which you could patent, that everyone wanted to use? I am sure it is possible though

    • Photo: Duncan Hull

      Duncan Hull answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Some chemists get very rich, for example if they patent a great idea or set up a successful company. It is possible… but chemistry isn’t required for being rich. Lots of chemists I know don’t have very much money at all – so its all down to an individuals motivations and abilities.

    • Photo: Darren Nesbeth

      Darren Nesbeth answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Get on the board of ICI or BASF.

    • Photo: Michelle Hudson-Shore

      Michelle Hudson-Shore answered on 21 Jun 2010:

      I’m not a chemist so I don’t really know but I suppose if you invented a block buster drug that could earn you a fair bit.
