• Question: How long does it take you to train an ape/monkey so that they are fully co-operant with you and aren't scared?

    Asked by cecyliaw to Michelle on 17 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Michelle Hudson-Shore

      Michelle Hudson-Shore answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      Well it really depends on the species and what you are training them to do. For example if you are training a Marmoset (small monkey) to touch a target so that it will stand on a weighing scale it takes about an hour altogether but this would be broken down into 5-10 minute sessions (so that the animals don’t get bored or frustrated). Whereas, macaques (larger monkeys) are easier to train so they can be trained to cooperate with having a blood sample taken in about 30-40mins on average.
